Wednesday, June 14, 2023

We Carry our Burden on and on until Suddenly We Laugh and Put it Down


"We carry our burden on and on, until one day, suddenly we laugh and set it down upon the ground." Muriel Strode

The Healing Tree

It was 3 years ago, June 2020, when my husband had an aneurysm in his popliteal artery burst, throwing him into an emergency amputation, a two month stay in the hospital and a year recovery.

Despite covid lockdown at the time I was able to be with him every day in the hospital to help him through a most grueling experience.

Every day I passed this ficus tree with 'the man in the trunk' in the hospital lobby. I began to see it as 'the healing tree with the man in the trunk holding all the healing spirits up'.

Planting the seeds of love, strength and resiliency. Life is good. My future is bright, joyous and secure. All is well. I am dog-gone good.

I am Dog-Gone Good

In revisiting this image three years later, I can see that the healing man in the tree holding all the healing spirits up is in fact my husband, Mark. His determination, persistence and drive toward health, mobility, self sufficiency and independence is unmatched.

My husband is the strongest person I know. He is my hero. He's had more than his fair share of physical challenges that would flatten us mere mortals. Yet he persists.

He has had many more challenges to overcome in the three years since his above the knee amputation. But each time I watch him collect himself to stop and start over on his healing journey.

Today he keeps himself fit strength training, swimming, biking, and walking with his prosthesis. He has mastered the use of a wheelchair and an ever-changing prosthesis and he keeps on keeping on.

You are never alone in your healing journey. Good spirits surround you caring for you. Rest. Be calm. Let the unseen healing forces work for you while you sleep. You are safe.

Keep on Keeping ON

With each new challenge we face the key for overcoming it is 'to keep on keeping on until suddenly, one day we laugh and set it down on the ground'.

No one is immune from life's challenges. And each challenge we face has the strength to stop us in our tracks. No matter.

When it's your time to deal, sit in whatever you're dealing with until you're ready to move on. Then take a step, and then another one until one day you laugh and set your burden down on the ground.

Always keep on keeping on.

You are strong.
You are healthy.
You are resilient.
You are healing.
You are loved.
You are safe.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Lightarted Living: The Hummingbird Song

Lightarted Living: The Hummingbird Song


Wherever the Hummingbird flutters,

happy spirits gather round;

Enjoying the industrious hum

of the sweet, sweet Hummer's song.

The fairies linger in the leaves,

calling the tiny bird;

Encouraging her to gather nectar

and sing her happy song.

The Hummingbird Song




Wherever the Hummingbird flutters,
happy spirits gather round;
Enjoying the industrious hum
of the sweet, sweet Hummer's song.
The fairies linger in the leaves,
calling the tiny bird;
Encouraging her to gather nectar
and sing her happy song.


The fairies gather and twitter-pate;
The garden starts to hum;
The Hummingbird starts to sing;
The Hummingbird starts to hum.
The Hummer strums her voicebox,
And out her humming comes.

Sweet nectar is the day;
A day that tastes so sweet--
Another honeyed day,
good enough to eat.


The garden fairies are all abuzz
As the Hummingbird starts her day.
Hurrah! Hurray!
What a glorious day to play!

Bring on the sun,
Let's have us some fun;
Let's make it another good day to play!


We gather round the hummingbird,
To bless the start of day;
The sun shines bright,
as we alight,
and the Hummingbird hums away.

So join us in the fun,
and make this your very best day.
Today the sun shines bright;
Today's your day to play.

Dedicated to my two 'hummingbird' grandbabies--
Always wishing them bright sunshiney days and good days to play.