Thursday, March 31, 2022

Lightarted Living: Let it Go and Let it Be~Rev Safire Rose

Lightarted Living: Let it Go and Let it Be~Rev Safire Rose:   Like a leaf falling from a tree She let go and let it all be A light breeze blew through her A small smile came over her face And the sun and moon shone forever more.

Let it Go and Let it Be~Rev Safire Rose


Like a leaf falling from a tree

She let go and let it all be

A light breeze blew through her

A small smile came over her face

And the sun and the moon

Shone forevermore

Rev. Safire Rose

Lightarted Living: Horse Speak: Sit Next to me~I too am Fluent in Silence

Lightarted Living: Horse Speak: Sit Next to me~I too am Fluent in Sil...: Silent Eloquence 

"In the steady gaze of the horse
Shines a silent eloquence 
that speaks of love and loyalty,
Strength and courage.

It is the window 
that reveals to us 
How willing is his spirit,
How generous his heart."


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Lightarted Living: Awesome Nature Inspires and Renews the Spirit

Lightarted Living: Awesome Nature Inspires and Renews the Spirit:   Madrone Tree Bark Jim Chamberlain, Photographer Nature Inspires "Awe is what we feel when we encounter something vast, wonderous and beyond the ordinary." unknown

I invite you to join me in seeking a daily dose of awe, 
inspiration and renewal from the natural world around you. 
Step outside and take it into your soul.

Awesome Nature Inspires and Renews the Spirit


Madrone Tree Bark
Jim Chamberlain, Photographer

Nature Inspires

"Awe is what we feel when we encounter something
vast, wonderous and beyond the ordinary."

Each day I look to nature to relax and inspire me. 
The beauty found in the details in nature 
are works of art that never fail to renew my spirit
and fill me with a sense of awe and peace. 

I'm compelled to dig deeper into the natural world, 
and to listen more intently to its infinite wisdom, 
using photos of things in nature as a
background for my art scribbles. 

It's my way of honoring and acknowledging
the depth of how nature touches me.

Upon waking, my mind is drawn to seek messages 
to guide my day from the natural world around me. 
I especially enjoy exploring the photographs 
of nature shared by others. 

 With pen in hand, I go on a treasure hunt to
find the spirits and harmony revealed within flowers, 
forests, tree bark, sand, sea, mud, clouds, 
birds, butterflies, dragonflies, and much more.

My head is naturally filled with thoughts of love,
 healing, compassion, resiliency, laughter, community, 
courage, strength, hope and joy, so I tend to find
uplifting spirits naturally residing in the world around me.

I invite you to join me in seeking a daily dose of awe, 
inspiration and renewal from the natural world around you. 
Step outside and take it into your soul.

Find ways to be with nature, whether in your own backyard,
through nature photography, or by visiting forests, 
flower fields, deserts, or sand and sea. 

Find your way to absorb nature's beauty and 
breathe in it's inspiration, while discovering your own strength 
for gracefully thriving through the seasons and hardships of life.

Discover Your Awe in Life

The Orchid
Donna Phillips, Photographer

The Orchid

She who orchid-strates life
with the heart of a lion;
She who will not be ignored;
She who brings sunshine to the soul.
I am woman hear me roar

Tree Bark
Lee Bryant, Photographer

All Bark and No Bite

The rings of the ancient tree
show the secret to longevity~

💓All Bark and No Bite
💓Love Thy Neighbor as Yourself
💓A Loving Community Thrives

Dancing Flower
Donna Phillips, Photographer

Dancing Thru Life

She had the heart of a dancer,
moving through life with grace and ease.
Stepping ever so lightly,
she'd twirl and spin
welcoming others to join in.

The Sea
Jim Chamberlain, Photographer

The Dog Days of Summer

In the dog days of summer,
while I'm as lazy as can be,
what do I spy arising from the sea?
I see a wave of doggies coming to play with me,
and all of them are as happy as can be.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Lightarted Living: Do Not Despair Ukraine: Time Will Come Good Again ...

Lightarted Living: Do Not Despair Ukraine: Time Will Come Good Again ...:   Our Hearts are with you, Ukraine  We understand 

"This is the time to be slow,

Lie low to the wall

Until the bitter weather passes.

Try, as best you can, not to let the wire brush of doubt

Scrape from your heart

All sense of yourself

And your hesitant light.

If you remain generous,

Time will come good;

And you will find your feet

again on fresh pastures of promise,

Where the air will be kind

And blushed with beginning."

John O'Donohue

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Lightarted Living: Positive Words for a Negative World~Right Up My Alley

Lightarted Living: Positive Words for a Negative World~Right Up My Alley: What Do Your Words Say About You? Your words, both spoken and unspoken have a powerful influence on creating the world you live in. What We Dwell on we Create

Monday, March 21, 2022

Lightarted Living: In a Moment Bursting with Joy I Know Everything is...

Lightarted Living: In a Moment Bursting with Joy I Know Everything is...:Secretly Okay!

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Lightarted Living: Will Life Crush Your Spirit or Make You Stronger?

Lightarted Living: Will Life Crush Your Spirit or Make You Stronger?: Will Life Crush Your Spirit or Make You Stronger? What awful soul-crushing experiences have you had in your life? 

Choose to allow life to make you stronger. Choose to become wise and strengthened by your experiences.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Lightarted Living: To Renew Your Spirit Stay Clear of those Vexed in ...

Lightarted Living: To Renew Your Spirit Stay Clear of those Vexed in ...:   To Renew Your Spirit "Stay clear of those vexed in spirit. Learn to linger around someone of ease Who feels they have all the time in the world...

To Renew Your Spirit Stay Clear of those Vexed in Spirit: John O'Donohue


To Renew Your Spirit

"Stay clear of those vexed in spirit.

Learn to linger around someone of ease

Who feels they have all the time in the world."


John O'Donohue


Returning to Your Best Self

"Be excessively gentle with yourself--

Stay clear of those vexed in spirit.

Learn to linger around someone of ease

Who feels they have all the time in the world.

Gradually, you will return to yourself,

Having learned a new respect for your heart

And the joy that dwells far within slow time."

John O'Donohue

Return to the Joys of Slow Time

Learn to be 's/he who has all the time in the world'.

Start by renewing your spirit by staying clear of others vexed in spirit,
and then allow your renewed spirit to radiate out to others.

Seek out people of ease to spend time with, 
and then seek to become a person of ease.

Learn a new respect for your heart
and the joys that dwell far within slow time.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Lightarted Living: Nature's 'Good Morning' Blessings

Lightarted Living: Nature's 'Good Morning' Blessings:   The Dew-Kissed Blessings Awaken- The sun comes up And the dew-kissed blessings awaken To a bright day full of hope. Susan J Meyerott "...

Nature's 'Good Morning' Blessings


The Dew-Kissed Blessings Awaken

The sun comes up
And the dew-kissed blessings awaken
To a bright day full of hope.

Susan J Meyerott

"The extraordinary is waiting quietly
beneath the skin of all that is ordinary."

Mark Nepo

Falling For You 

The playful pretty-in-pink Cactus spirits
bring a lighthearted and playful mood to my day.
Their silly antics tickle my fancy
and spill a smile out of my heart onto the day.

Susan J Meyerott

The Dawn Opens

The dawn of each day 
brings a fresh perspective 
and opens us to the possibility of 
'falling in love with life at first sight'.

"First Sight opens the freshness of each moment."

"We begin so aware and grateful.
The sun somehow hangs there in the sky.
The little bird sings. 
The miracle of life just happens."

Mark Nepo 

"Hand in hand with fairy grace,
Will we sing and bless this place."

William Shakespeare

"Garden fairies come at dawn,
bless the flowers then they're gone."


Sand and Sea fall in love at First Sight

Ribbons of blue sand whirl in the silvery moonlight,
rising to meet the gentle ocean swells 
coming ashore at dawn's first light.
The seafoam fingerlings linger to caress the sand
before silently flowing back to the sea,
calm once more.

Susan J Meyerott

Gary Mark Roberts

Gary Mark Roberts 
Nature's Mandela Photographer

Denise Henry
Christmas Cactus Photographer

Denise Henry
Christmas Cactus Photographer

Lee Bryant
Sand Dancers Photographer