Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Lightarted Living: Love One Another Now~Swiftly Flow the Years

Lightarted Living: Love One Another Now~Swiftly Flow the Years:   Sunrise, Sunset Sunrise, Sunset Swiftly flow the years. One season following another Bringing happiness and tears. 'Sunrise, Sunset&#3...

Love One Another Now~Swiftly Flow the Years


Sunrise, Sunset

Sunrise, Sunset

Swiftly flow the years.

One season following another

Bringing happiness and tears.

'Sunrise, Sunset' from Fiddler on the Roof

Swiftly Flow the Years

"The work of the mature person is to carry grief in one hand 

and gratitude in the other and to be stretched large by them. 

How much sorrow can I hold? That’s how much gratitude I can give. 

If I carry only grief, I’ll bend toward cynicism and despair. 

If I have only gratitude, I’ll become saccharine 

and won’t develop much compassion for other people’s suffering. 

Grief keeps the heart fluid and soft, 

which helps make compassion possible."

 Francis Weller

Life is filled with ups and downs, bringing both happiness and tears. No one gets through life without experiencing their fair share of difficulties, hurts, and hard times.

Life IS short, and the years flow swiftly by. Why waste time nursing old hurts, going it alone, or keeping yourself separate from others in your grief? Isolation only serves to amplify your pain and suffering. 

As Frances Weller notes, learn to carry your grief in one hand and gratitude in the other, and allow yourself to be stretched large by them. Heal those hurts. Share your grief. Make amends. Love one another now. Swiftly flow the years.

What hurts are you carrying around? What grief are you dealing with? What has you hiding from others, keeping you separate and apart?  How can you learn to carry your grief in one hand and gratitude in the other, and allow yourself to be stretched large by them?

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Lightarted Living: Living the Moment-in-Between

Lightarted Living: Living the Moment-in-Between: The Moment-in-Between Stop living for reason; Time to start living for rhyme. I'm on a spree and I'm Gonna make sure  Its a perfectl...

Living the Moment-in-Between

The Moment-in-Between

Stop living for reason;
Time to start living for rhyme.

I'm on a spree and I'm
Gonna make sure 
Its a perfectly good waste of time.

 Carnival the Musical

The Aftermath of Blueberry Pancakes
Lee Bryant


Look what Lee found by pausing a moment after enjoying her blueberry pancakes. What stunning beauty she found in the mess. What beauty would you find in your own life if you practiced the pause more?

Just like dealing with the aftermath of eating blueberry pancakes, our lives can be messy and we're always left to clean up even after enjoying the main entrรฉe. 

Why be in such a hurry to clean up the mess of life--looking to keep everything neat and tidy, with everything in it's proper place?

If you pause before setting your mind to the task of clearing the table set before you, you just might find the beauty in the moment-in-between. What have you been missing?

Practice the Pause

Waste some Time

Live Life Messy

Stop Living for Reason

Start Living for Rhyme

Find the Beauty in the Moment-in-Between

Monday, March 15, 2021

Lightarted Living: Rebuilding Your World with Hope

Lightarted Living: Rebuilding Your World with Hope:   Heart-Felt Wishes What will this year bring for you?  Good things I hope. My deepest heart-felt wishes for you: ๐Ÿ’“For you to discover a re...

Rebuilding Your World with Hope


Heart-Felt Wishes

What will this year bring for you? 

Good things I hope.

My deepest heart-felt wishes for you:

๐Ÿ’“For you to discover a renewed love of the simple pleasures in life. 

๐Ÿ’“For you to find a way to ignite the flames of hope and love in your soul 
to yank you out of this long, dark winter we've all been in. 

But how do you do that?

How to Rebuild Your World with Hope

To refill our lives with all the good stuff, we must think about others, 
not just about ourselves. 

The path to reestablishing a life filled with hope and love 
for ourselves is paved with doing concrete acts of love for others. 
What goes around, comes around--and we're all in this together.

We can create a world of hope and love 
by 'doing unto others what we would have done unto us'. 

Wishing You "Laughfter", Hearts, and Good Will

As I thought about what this meant to me, I  thought
about how important good health, support, connection and love
have been to me in the last year. 

I pondered 'what concrete acts of love have been 'done unto me' 
that I'm grateful for, and how I can I now turn that around to 'do unto others'?

Here is a short list of big and little concrete acts of love 
that were done unto me that I am most grateful for: 

๐Ÿ’“Healthcare workers and volunteers providing me with covid-19 vaccinations
๐Ÿ’“ People going for daily walks with me and my dog, Hannah
๐Ÿ’“ People wearing masks in public
๐Ÿ’“ Others checking in with with me during my family health crisis
๐Ÿ’“ Connection with others to laugh and share tender moments
๐Ÿ’“ Receiving support from my community during the tough times.

I have already reaped the benefits of returning the kindnesses 
done to me by reaching out to others. 

It felt good to volunteer for a vaccination clinic to 
help my community achieve herd immunity. 
Like me, recipients of the vaccine are so grateful.

It felt good to support other community members
in crisis through concrete acts of love, providing
food and clothing, and financial and emotional support.

It feels good to reach out to others in need of
connection with another human being
during this time of nesting in place.

If you want to feel good about life and living, 
there is nothing like doing good for others
to make the world feel like a good place to live. 
There is nothing more empowering than 
giving back to others with goodwill. 

So do yourself a favor on your way to building hope:
Get out there and find ways to contribute to
the good of others and your community.

How are you reaching out to others with tenderness, kindness, and compassion?

How are you offering up to others what you want offered up to you?

How are you helping reestablish a kinder, gentler world through your actions?

How are you making the world a better place for others?